Digital wallets can help keep your digital currency safe, private and in your control. We highly recommend the use of wallets for storing Bitzec (technically, they store the keys to your Bitzecaddresses). But keep in mind, your wallet is like your bank account, so take extra precautions with your passwords and be sure to perform regular backups to protect your money.

DISCLAIMER: Binary Digit Electronic Currency does not endorse specific digital wallets, other than the Bitzecdesktop wallet. We provide the information below as a courtesy, in order to simplify the overall digital currency experience for you.

Bitzec Wallets

  Type Shielded payments Memo field Transparent address multisig Private Key control
ModernWallet FullNode User
Android Wallet User

Bitzec Wallet

Binary Digit Electronic Currency maintains the official wallets, bitzecd, which can be downloaded here. Users looking for a more complete wallet experience are urged to try third-party wallets such as those listed above.