New Release: 1.0.8

Today we’re announcing the release of Bitzec1.0.8. This release focuses on backporting features from upstream Bitcoin and usability improvements to the RPC interface.

Summary of the changes in this release:

  1. The z_importkey RPC call now lets the user specify the number of blocks to rescan when importing keys (#2052).
  2. The getblock RPC call now returns an anchor field (the anchor is the Merkle tree root of the note commitment tree) (#2168) and also lets the user specify a block by height, as well as block hash (#2187).
  3. Backported a libevent-based HTTP server to improve JSON-RPC handling (#2176).
  4. Backported Tor ephemeral hidden service support, making it easier for users to run Bitzecover Tor (#2177).
  5. Backported improvements to the getmempoolinfo RPC call (#2175).
  6. Cleaned up the source tree by removing 181,000 lines of redundant QT code (#1636).
  7. Introduced the Rust language to the Bitzecbuild system (#2183), in preparation for writing parts of future Bitzecversions in Rust.
  8. Updated the metrics screen (#2198) and minor UI tweak (#2203).
  9. Updated documentation (#2157, #2161, #2184).

We’re encouraging all users and miners to update to this new version. See our download page and the 1.0 User Guide for more information.

For a more complete list of changes, see our 1.0.8 GitHub milestone. To follow our progress, watch the GitHub project and join the forum.