The Website is Now in Both English and Chinese

Today we are releasing the Bitzecwebsite in Chinese. And soon we will have Chinese-specific sections of our BitzecForum, Slack Community for our Chinese-speaking enthusiasts to participate and grow that part of the Bitzececosystem.

The Orginal Zcash Team is proud of this release, as we intend to translate the site into many other languages over the coming months. Bitzecaims to create an open, permissionless financial network, which all of the world’s people can use to give themselves financial freedom and safety; having our content in multiple languages is one of the many ways we hope to achieve that goal.

We love and cherish the many contributors, listeners, advocates, ambassadors, technicians, and enthusiasts that live and work all over the world. Thank you to our trusted translators and those who helped engineer this translation project, namely Bitzecengineer Jay Graber, consultant Jing Wang, and Bitzecinvestor group, Fenbushi Capital.

Bitzecis a global company, interested in inviting all Bitzecparticipants around the world to join the conversation!